There only exists ideas. Ideas are forever.

There only exists ideas. Ideas are forever.
There only exists ideas. Ideas are forever.

17 Mayıs 2014 Cumartesi

Maskeler ve Ölüler

Hiç kendinizi boşlukta hissettiniz mi?

Sanki havada asılı kalıyormuş gibi

Kalabalık bir caddede

Tanımadığınız onca insan maskesi varken etrafta...


Hiç içinizde bir boşluk hissetiniz mi ?

Ana rahmi gibi karanlık...

Ve gittikçe büyüyen içinizde

Sizden beslenen bir boşluk


Söyleyecek çok şeyiniz olduğu halde

İfade edecek bir kelime bulamadığınız oldu mu?

Şarkılar dinleyip duygularınızı notalara yüklediniz mi hiç ?

Her şarkı sizi anlattı mı


İnsanlardan nefret ettiniz mi içten içe ?

Hayat anlamsız, arkadaşlıklar boş geldi mi hiç ?

Bu dünyadan gitsem

Acaba boşluğum hissedilir mi dediniz mi

Evrende olmasa bile gönüllerde...


Çekip gitmek istediniz mi hiç uzaklara ?

Güneye giden kuşlar gibi...

Çekip gitmeyi bile beceremediğiniz oldu mu ?

Dalıp gittiniz mi uzaklara

Gece yatmadan önce karanlıkta


Hiç kendiniz olabildiniz mi sokakta ?

Yoksa korkup saklandınız mı sürekli

O rengarenk maskelerinizin ardına ?


Hiç başkalarının sorunlarını dinlerken

Kendi dertleriniz ruhunuzu kemirip durdu mu

Yeter artık diye bağırmak istediniz mi en yakınlarınıza?

Belki de onlarca kez bağırdınız

Ama onlar anlayamadı...


Haberlerdeki onca ölü insanları görünce

Artık içinizin acımadığını fark ettiniz mi?

Hatta normal karşıladığınızı...

Ve sizin de aslında kalbi atan ölüler olduğunuzu

Hiç fark ettiniz mi ?


Cengiz Güler


3 Mayıs 2014 Cumartesi


I don’t know how I am-

I have almost been dying for you.

-I’m exhausted with life,

you are no more my wife,

still- broken part of my love.

You promised to die with me,

but, no attempt to live without me.

Just think! all things come from God,

we all turn back to him.


Your coming- would be the proof of going,

neither would be absence of your death,

your going- has become my last judgement.

I was questioned many times,

so, you sentenced me to times.          

Nothing would be like my love-

you are pouring inside me like a rain,

my face- turned to place of pain.

Loving you- is the secret cry,

you reluctantly have no try.


My hands tremble like a leaf,

the palm begins to sweat as a cushion.

I can’t describe this great passion,

as if something strangulates my vocal cords.

Perhaps, I know you like the palm of my hand-

Love in heart has become the streaking sand.

The lump is almost in my throat,

whereas my words- over the poem still float.

You- became a wound in my heart,

apparently, your eyes are always my part.


Since your love- has become a wound,

now, my wound is weighing a pound,

-for you babe, how it does sound.


My love is in the death agony,

all watches stroking you every hour,

your face- is like a cream sour.

Every hour I give up you,

but, I don’t regret to love you.

If my heart were renewed-

even so, I would still love you.

Your love- is my profession,

friends say it is an obsession,

-neither is an increasing passion.


You- hurt my heart’s broken part

so, my pain is still not killed.

I can feel my splintered heart,

see- neither is interminably filled.

Loving you babe-

is the way of my hidden crying,

what you said is a huge lying,

a hope- in my heart keeps this writing.


For me, love- is fighting for life,

I can not read the time-

as it is impossible for our lives to tie,

when I see you- everything will be fine,

I hope you will give me a sign-

Life- didn’t pay me back,

all we share is a fact,

it is time to get my pack.



I have no regret to love you,

cause my heart is handcuffed to your love.

I understand there is no point to die,

you didn’t leave me anything to sigh.

Dou you know, how easy was separation-?

Your farewell speech quashed my compassion.

What if, I broke my silence- and patience?

Should I find a relaxation?


My sole wish is not to call,

I’m riding for a fall.

I already put out my heart garden,

nonetheless, it has still too much burden.

Your going- affected me more than I expected

yet, how much I deserved to be respected.


You know- valedictions and loves,

are a part of our lives.

You swept away my perfection-

the rest is only a little affection.

I'm stuck in the cliff of madness.

Leave me alone with my loneliness-

how you will be looking for happiness.

There is still a ray of hope.

I don’t expect much from the pope-

but, just enlarge your scope-


Hüseyin Özbay – Karabük Üniversitesi – ELL –Fourth Year Student