There only exists ideas. Ideas are forever.

There only exists ideas. Ideas are forever.
There only exists ideas. Ideas are forever.

29 Nisan 2014 Salı

Naturalism in “To Build a Fire” and “The Cremation of Sam McGee”

Despite belonging to different genres, “The Cremation of Sam McGee” and “To Build a Fire” can both be considered as Naturalistic in terms of literary criticism. Naturalism, a literary movement which is closely connected to the scientific and realistic manner of thinking which was prevalent towards the turn of the 20th century, has distinctive features. Some of these include the realistic style in narration found in naturalism, themes such as Man versus Nature and Death/Survival, and the power of nature in Naturalism. In this paper, these and other various characteristics of Naturalism will be discussed with illustrations from the two texts.

Naturalistic literature is realistic in its nature. Writers in this literary movement aim to portray events as they are without putting emphasis on emotions. This form of realism can be noted in “To Build a Fire” wherein the narrator paints a vivid picture of a man travelling through cold and bitter weather with a dog. The narrator reports the events in the story as they occur. Similar narration style, even though in the perspective of one of the characters, is evident in Service’s “The Cremation of Sam McGee”. The narration in both of these texts focuses on the sequence of events and description of things as they are-a common feature in realistic literature.

In addition to realism, Naturalistic literature also usually concerns itself with themes of death and survival. These themes are more often than not connected with nature, meaning that the need for survival or the occurrence of death will happen as a result of nature. Sam McGee dies because of the harsh and cold conditions in Service’s poem. The lone man in “To Build a Fire” tries to survive the cold weather through his journey by building a fire after getting wet but eventually dies too. These themes reveal the perception of nature by most naturalistic writers: nature is an unstoppable force which has the power to commence or end existence.

This portrayal of nature as an uncompromising force that encompasses everything in it is one of the more common features of Naturalistic literature. The power of nature is evident in “To Build a Fire”, where the protagonist is at the mercy of the environment. Even with his knowledge of the environment, nature still has the final say. Similarly, in “The Cremation of Sam McGee”, the harsh weather conditions subdue Sam McGee. Nature, then, whether at sea or land is shown as being more powerful than everything else which exists. Such views, to a large extent, disregard the existence of a god in naturalism. This type of reasoning is in accordance with the period in which naturalism was born. Scientific thought and the advancement of biological study influenced naturalist writers in their literature, giving little or no room for religion.

Though emphasis is put on nature in Naturalism, humans within nature still have a significant role in this literary movement. Characterisation in naturalistic literature usually sees characters in strife with nature. In some cases, this conflict symbolises inner conflict in a character. Although certain in beginning, the protagonist’s growing concern for his livelihood through his journey in “To Build a Fire” shows his inner conflict in following reason or his freewill-his will to go meet his friends or reason that clearly shows that travelling through this cold weather is not practical.  Freewill, thus, becomes another important feature in Naturalistic literature.

Freewill is demonstrated as an exercise in futility by most naturalistic writers. The use of freewill by characters in Naturalism often results in their demise. The protagonist’s decision to travel on a cold morning to meet his friends despite the risks in “To Build a Fire”, shows him exercising his freewill. Through nature, however, his decision to travel is shown as being a naïve one. The protagonist attributes his failure to misfortune. In “The Cremation of Sam McGee” Sam also decides to travel in a cold and harsh environment despite being from Tennessee and not having adequate knowledge about the environment further north. The presence of freewill, again, here leads to the demise of a character. Naturalism hence portrays freewill as impractical and, arguably, as an illusion. Humans are better off if they do not make use of it as they are not necessarily in control of their lives when in the presence of nature.

If freewill is not the answer then what is? Naturalistic texts present characters that are governed by their instincts. This is directly connected to the survival theme commonly found in naturalistic literature. Although the two main characters from the referenced texts both exercise freewill, it is also shown how they use their instincts in their struggle to survive. The protagonist in “To Build a Fire” instinctively knows that he has to get warm after getting wet. He does this by building a fire. Sam, on the other hand, wants to be cremated once he realizes that he will die from the cold weather. This request to be cremated can be seen as an instinctive and symbolic one as his cremation will be the final chance for him to get warm. His request reveals that our instinct is get warm when cold, even after we have died.

In final analysis, the plight of the protagonists in both texts is narrated in a realistic manner and nature is illustrated as an untamable force that directly affects everyone. The instinctive nature of characters in Naturalistic literature further reveals how Darwinism influenced this literary movement. In accordance with Darwinism, humans in both texts are viewed as evolved beasts that still need to rely on instincts in order to survive. Using freewill, instead, leads to their demise. With this, both “To build a Fire” and “The Cremation of Sam McGee” can be realized as naturalistic texts.

B.Pascal Zwane

Works Cited

  • Abrams, M.H. A Glossary of Literary Terms. 7th ed. Fort Worth: Earl McPeek Publishers, 1999. Print.
  • Campbell, Donna M. “Naturalism in American Literature”.  Literary Movements. Department of English, Washington State University. 04 July 2013. Web. 20 December 2013.
  • London, Jack.  The Cremation of Sam McGee. The World of Jack London – Jack London Stories of the North. Youth’s Companion, 29 May 1902. Web. 19 December 2013.
  • Service, Robert. “To Build a Fire”. The Spell of the Yukon and Other Verses. New York: Barse & Hopkins Publishers, 1907. Poem of the Week. Web. 19 December 2013.

27 Nisan 2014 Pazar


I told you not to go to the shore of your heart,

But to come closer to be one of my little part.

As the sea makes you discard with its wave.

For you I will pave

However much I cried in the cave

If the wave took you away from me in sea,

I would die of the bends.

If the wave took you away from me in deep water,

 I can not stand your absence.

Then, my heart would become a boat

your love envelops me like a coat,

and become sail-cloth against wind.

My tears  would look like rain,

nothing could give me a gain,

rather than so much pain.

I would be scattered around the way you sail,

in two shakes of a lamb's tail.

Now, your letter in which my hope dwells

reaches to the the shore of my heart,

but this letter does not satisfy me crying my heart out.
I dunno my life will last how much longer.  



  ‘Dil canlı bir varlıktır. Doğar, gelişir ve ölür.’ Dilin genel tanımını yaparken bu cümlelere çok sık başvururuz. Gerçekten de canlı bir varlık olarak dil, bu evrelerden geçer. Kimi çok uzun yaşar, ulu bir çınar gibi asırlara meydan okur. Kimi içerisinde doğmuş olduğu uygarlığın yıkılmasıyla son bulur. Kimi de daha doğarken ölür. İşte bu dil çeşitliliğinin içerisinde, asırlara meydan okuyan ulu çınarlardan biri olan Türkçe diğerlerinden apayrı bir konuma gelmiştir. Dünyanın en zengin dillerinden biri olan ve aynı zamanda dünyada en çok konuşulan 5. dil olma özelliği taşıyan Türkçe ne yazık ki daha uzun yaşatılması gerektiği yerde ‘katledilmektedir’.

      Dünyada Türkçe’yi konuşan insan sayısı 220 milyon olarak tahmin edilmektedir. Peki bu 220 milyon insanın konuştuğu dil gerçekten Türkçe mi? Bu 220 milyon insandan kaçı Türkçe’nin dil özelliklerini biliyor? Ya da bu insanlardan kaçı Türkçe’yi daha uzun yıllar ayakta tutmak için uğraşıyor? ‘Türk demek Türkçe demektir. Ne mutlu Türküm diyene!’ diyen  Ulu Önder Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’ün bu sözündeki ‘Türk’ tanımına acaba bu insanların kaçı uyuyor?

      Küreselleşen dünyada dillerin birbirlerinden etkilenmemesini beklemek imkansız. Ama günümüzde insanların dil etkileşimini ne kadar yanlış anladıkları ortada. İşte bu diğer dilllerden, özellikle de dünya dili olarak görülen İngilizce’den, yanlış etkilenme konusunda ulu çınarımıza en büyük darbeyi kendimiz indiriyoruz.

     Türkçe’nin içerisine giren yabancı sözcükler, onu küçük birer kurtçuk gibi içten içe yiyip bitiriyorlar. İnsanlar konuşurken sadece bu yabancı kelimeleri kullanmakla kalmıyor, bir de bu kelimeleri Türkçe kelimelerle birleştirerek kullanıyorlar. ‘Rahat ol’ yerine ‘relaks ol(hatta yazı dilinde relax ol)’ , ‘sorun yok’ yerine ‘no problem’, ‘tamam’ yerine ‘okay/okey’ demenin tercih edildiği bir Türkçe konuşuluyor. Bir kişi diğerinin giyim kuşamını beğendiği zaman ‘Çok havalı olmuşsun.’ demek yerine ‘Çok cool/kuul olmuşsun.’ demeyi tercih ediyor. Ve üstüne üstlük kimse de ‘Cool ne demek?’ diye sormuyor. Bunlar sadece birkaç örnek ama herbiri dilimizin ne denli yozlaştığının kanıtları.Bu kelimeler adeta kendi dilimizin birer parçasıymış gibi kullanılıyor.

    Dil, bir toplumun benliğini oluşturmasındaki en büyük yapı taşıdır. Bu bağlamda dil, bir toplumun kültürünün en önemli ögesidir. “… Bir ülkenin yönetimini ele alsaydım, yapacağım ilk iş, hiç kuşkusuz dilini gözden geçirmek olurdu. Çünkü dil kusurlu ise, sözcükler düşünceyi iyi ifade edemez. Düşünce iyi ifade edilemezse, görevler ve hizmetler gereği gibi yapılamaz. Görev ve hizmetin gerektiği şekilde yapılamadığı yerlerde adet, kural ve kültür bozulur. Adet, kural ve kültür bozulursa adalet yanlış yollara sapar. Adalet yoldan çıkarsa, şaşkınlık içine düşen halk ne  yapacağını, işin nereye varacağını bilemez. İşte bunun içindir ki, hiçbir şey dil kadar önemli değildir !.. “ diyen Çinli bilge Konfüçyüs dilin bu anlamda ne kadar önemli olduğunu çok güzel bir biçimde vurgulamıştır.

    Peki Orhun Yazıtları’na kadar dayanan 1300 yıllık bir yazılı geçmişe sahip olan Türkçe nasıl ayakta tutulabilir? İlk olarak insanlara dillerinin ne kadar önemli olduğu bilinci aşılanmalıdır. Okullarda yabancı dil öğretim seviyesi ilkokul 4. sınıfa kadar indirilirken, Türkçe’nin sadece zorunlu ders olduğu için okutulması algısından vazgeçilmelidir. İngilizce’ye ve diğer yabancı dillere verilen değerin çok daha fazlası Türkçe’ye verilmelidir. Türkçe’yi kurtarma ve geliştirme yolunda bir devrim yapılmalı ve eğitimciler bu devrime önderlik etmelidir. İnsanlar, özellikle de genç nesil, Türkçe’yi sosyal paylaşım sitelerinden değil kitaplardan öğrenmelidir. Devletin dilin gelişimi için belirli bir bütçe ayırmasına ihtiyaç vardır. Ve en önemlisi de insanlara konuştukları bu dilin ne kadar önemli olduğunu hisssettiririp onlara bu dili sevdirmek gerekmektedir. Bizden sonraki nesillerin de bu ulu çınarın gölgesinden mahrum kalmamaları için, Türkçe’yi korumak için ne gerekiyorsa yapılmalıdır. Unutulmamalıdır ki ; dilini kaybetmiş bir toplum aslında benliğini kaybetmiş demektir.





Oğuz Erdem ÜRKMEZ

26 Nisan 2014 Cumartesi

Is Turkey Powerful or Is It a Buffer Zone?

During the local elections, stability of Turkey’s growing economy was emphasized by PM Erdogan. He was always planting seeds into people’s mind that if his party is not voted for, people will suffer the economic consequences of this as they used to before. However, what I have brooded on recently is that “is Turkey’s stability in economy in the annual statistics because of its skilful administrators or is it because Turkey is wanted to be powerful by greater powers?”

In 2008 when an economic crisis broke out in Europe, PM Erdogan declared it had only touched slightly Turkish economy which was unusually more powerful than the bigger economies such as USA, Greece, and Italia. In 2011 he added that the crisis wouldn’t even touch the Turkish economy. Magically, Turkey wasn’t affected so much from the crisis unlike the one in 2001. If Turkey was a closed economy like China, it would make sense, but in a global economy like Turkey it is hard not to be affected from such a big crisis. Erdogan creates an idea in society’s mind that the economy is strong thanks to him. On the contrary, an economic corruption scandal broke out at the end of 2013. Four of the ministers in cabinet had to resign and opposition parties criticized Erdogan to dissemble the corruption of the ruling party. Someone from Persia is regarded as a person who manipulates Turkish economy. America declared they warned Turkey not to have close relations with Iran. Unfortunately, there is a blurred atmosphere now, since people don’t know what to believe. Is our economy powerful or full of corruption? Are we powerful or just a puppet of greater powers?


Mahir KAYNAK, a retired intelligence agent, asks the same question in one of his books. Is Turkey powerful because of skilful politicians and diplomats or is it because Turkey is wanted to be powerful by the West to be used as a "buffer zone" to protect the interests of other countries such as USA. The answer is unknown, but I think we might be so close to see it when the political turmoil is observed and analysed in Iraq, Syria, and Egypt. These countries are nothing but just pawns in a chess game played by America, Russia, China and Germany. What about Turkey? I think it is just a “knight " in this chess game, because it is the most secular country in Middle East which makes it the closest ally of Europe and America in the zone. Furthermore, there is no nation which wants to fight overzealously for the sake of their country and no people want to be martyrs as much as the Turkish.

Cengiz Güler

Works Cited :


South Africa Celebrates 20 Years of Democracy

Freedom Day

Walking with arms at my back
On corridor of liberty,
Where man's dream was once met,
And again, man's wound is abolished.

There are no restrictions to gain,
Less I am confined, prisoned,
For I am accorded human respect
That was taken from my old folks.

We let you to levitate, with our gratitude
For your adamant spirits emancipated us,
And let those lost, redeem their virtues
For that is all they needed.

Mandela, Sisulu and Tambo
Punished for our welfare,
Salute, we salute them all,
For their dreams are quenched.

The puzzle mat is well combined
People are of colorless skin
And of same objectives, embracing this land
South African, Mzansi Africa
Enjoy the silent communication with the nation
Enjoy the juices of Mzansi’s vine yard.

On this freedom day
We join hands and shield liberation,
We instill love together,
Let the wings of the dove reign.

Alancia Lebogang Mogorosi

25 Nisan 2014 Cuma

Who Is More Ambitious Macbeth or Lady Macbeth ?


          William Shakespeare is one of the pioneers of English Renaissance with his sonnets and tragedies. His tragedies are famous for their monologues and tragic flaws which causes the main character's death. Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare, is one of the best plays to show how ambition can be destructive in someone’s life. Main character of the play, Macbeth, becomes a villain to actualize his wish which is to be a king, when three witches hints him as a cawdor and a king. Even though some critics think he is deceived by his wife Lady Macbeth since Shakespeare is regarded as a misogynist, I think she is just a tool to pull off the real Macbeth. In my opinion both of the characters have mistakes and Nietzsche’s theory of power can be seen through the play.
            Firstly, according to Fredrick Nietzsche, main stream of life is will to power in people's life. Everybody tries to improve their social positions or conditions as much as possible. This attitude is seen in Macbeth’s ambition, since he kills his relative King Duncan and accepts to be a murderer for the sake of being a king. He cannot say no to improve his social position, because it is the main goal of people's life actually. However, many people cannot find a way to do as they are so coward and week or so moral and humble. On the contrary of them, Macbeth finds a way for his will to power and breaks all the moral values for it. After he is called as a king by a witch, namely the third witch, the only thing he thinks is to be king. “Third Witch: All hail, Macbeth, thou shalt be king hereafter!” Banquo explains Macbeth after this foreshadowing like this: “My noble partner You greet with present grace and great prediction Of noble having and of royal hope, That he seems rapt withal.” This quotation shows that the possibility of being a king allures Macbeth and he starts to think about killing Duncan, which is the fastest way for him to fulfill his wish or his will to power. He says: “My thought, whose murder yet is but fantastical, Shakes so my single state of man that function...” Thinking about the killing the king to whom he swears allegiance, reveals how he becomes a slave of his ambition. It is a proof that, if something is physically possible, it is morally admissible. Macbeth is one of the best examples of this. Being a king is possible for him, because he is a relative of king Duncan. After he kills him and Duncan's sons Malcolm and Donalbain run away from the country, Macbeth becomes the king. When he has the power, he wants to protect it and because his hands are full of blood, he is aware of the fact that he can do more.
            Secondly, Macbeth writes a letter to his wife and explains the oracle of the witches. He tells about how they are good at their spell and how accurate their first oracle is. In the letter he says he is likely be a king. “This have I thought good to deliver thee, my dearest partner of greatness, that thou mightst not lose the dues of rejoicing, by being ignorant of what greatness is promised thee. Lay it to thy heart, and farewell.”  I think what Macbeth aims while writing this letter is not only to inform her wife about his future, but also catching a triggering event . There is an illocutionary force a request in it, because he expects his wife to encourage him as he knows he has a lot of hesitations. It is because in physics, things have inertia which says everything in the world has the resistance of changing their motion. What Macbeth needs is a propellant power and he knows his wife is the best “thing” for it.  He does not want to start his treacherous actions, but he cannot stop after he starts once. He says: “We will proceed no further in this business” in act I, scene VII and “For mine own good, All causes shall give way” in act III, scene IV. This quotations proves my idea about the inertia, because Macbeth does not want to start at first, but cannot stop at the end. His ambition makes him unstoppable for his actions, and he challenges everything. However, what he reaches is not the happiness but a huge disappointment and a name which is called as betrayer and villain.
            Thirdly, the relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth can be thought like Adam and Eve. Macbeth seems he does not want to kill Duncan as he is a good and fair king. He says for Duncan that: “ He hath honor’d me of late; and I have bought Golden opinions from all sorts of people, Which would be worn now in their newest gloss, Not cast aside so soon.” However, Lady Macbeth teases and encourages him to do what he plans to be a king. She says: “Was the hope drunk Wherein you dress’d yourself? hath it slept since?And wakes it now, to look so green and pale At what it did so freely? From this time Such I account thy love. Art thou afeard To be the same in thine own act and valor As thou art in desire? Wouldst thou have that Which thou esteem’st the ornament of life, And live a coward in thine own esteem, Letting ‘I dare not’ wait upon ‘I would,’ Like the poor cat i’ the adage?” This speech gives Macbeth enough courage and he decides to “be a man” as he says. Lady Macbeth is so brave that she puts the dagger which Macbeth forgets to put in the chambers' arms. Even though Lady Macbeth seems like an Eve figure and deceives Macbeth, her ambition is not as big as him. It might be because of she is a female and does not have enough power to fulfill her ambition. However, I think she does what his husband expects her to do and she is just a tool for her husband's ambition. Macbeth wants to be king and needs a partner. Lady Macbeth is aware of his husband's ambition and desire, so she guides them. Macbeth would stop or even kill her, if he did not want to do what she says. Macbeth does not do what Lady Macbeth says just because he loves her too much, but he looks forwards to do them. Ambition of Macbeth makes him blind while Lady Macbeth suffers her sins and she loses her sanity. She becomes ill and tells about the murders. Macbeth reveals his ambition is higher than his love as he is so indifferent to her wife's death. “She should have died hereafter; There would have been a time for such a word To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow, Creeps in this petty pace from day to day To the last syllable of recorded time, And all our yesterdays have lighted fools The way to dusty death.”
            Finally, I think the relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth is like yin and yang since they complete each other. When considered from this point of view, Lady Macbeth can even be thought as the alter-ego of Macbeth.  Macbeth is regarded as a good man by her wife while she is reading the letter written by him. Lady Macbeth is the bad spot inside the white yin. She reveals that after she finishes the letter. I fear thy nature; It is too full o’ the milk of human kindness To catch the nearest way: thou wouldst be great; Art not without ambition, but without The illness should attend it” What Lady Macbeth does is to add the best spices into Macbeth's character like a master chief.  She is an ambitious character like Macbeth and she has will to power, too. She wants to be wife of the king and improve her social position. When Macbeth is about the loose his concentration, she gives a speech and deceives him. She is like a reflection of her husband and has a key role for the plan. Ironically, she is braver than her husband. While Macbeth is scared after he killed Duncan in order to put the dagger, she goes and finishes the conspiracy. “Infirm of purpose! Give me the daggers: the sleeping and the dead Are but as pictures: ’tis the eye of childhood That fears a painted devil. If he do bleed, I’ll gild the faces of the grooms withal; For it must seem their guilt.” Through the play, Macbeth becomes a villain and does not scare from anything. He does not need anyone to encourage him. On the hand, Lady Macbeth suffers from mental illness and behaves like a crazy, which proves my idea about yin and yang because of the contrast of their situation.
            Consequently, Fredrick Nietzsche’s theory of will to power can be seen in the actions of both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth since they want to improve their social rank and they do it by means of breaking moral values. Therefore, regarding one character as more ambitious than the other might not be true at first view since they both have some mistakes. However, since Macbeth is the tragic hero of the play, I think he is more ambitious than Lady Macbeth. As I said before, Lady Macbeth is like a tool for Macbeth's goals in life and she is like the dark side of him or an alter-ego. She cannot order anything to him because of her social position and gender in that century; therefore, Macbeth always have freedom to stop his villain actions, but he does not stop.  He becomes so blind that he is not even sorry for his loss of Lady Macbeth. In short, even though both of the characters have mistakes, Macbeth is more ambitious than his wife because of the reasons that I mentioned before.
Cengiz Güler
Works Cited:

23 Nisan 2014 Çarşamba

A Cultural Studies Analysis of Helen of Troy Does Countertop Dancing

Atwood’s “Helen of Troy does Countertop Dancing” can be viewed as a commentary of a 20th century society that has its roots firmly entrenched in capitalism. This essay will discuss the aspects that constitute the society in question. Various approaches including Marxist, Jungian and Feminist literary criticism will be used to decipher the culture and society of the text.

One of the approaches in unlocking the society in “Helen of Troy Does Countertop Dancing” includes examining the apparent societal structure and power relations in the poem. A Marxist analysis of the text is appropriate in accomplishing this. Marxist criticism states that whichever entity that has economical control over a society has a direct influence on the culture of that particular society. “Helen of Troy Does Countertop Dancing” presents a capitalistic society where in men seemingly have a dominant position economically. “I sell men back their worst suspicions: that everything is for sale and piecemeal” confirms the capitalistic nature of this society in which men have the buying power. Moreover, women are described as only having minimum- paying jobs in the poem. This is another way of understanding that economic power lies with men and not women in the poem.

However, if men represent the economical control of this society, one would still have to show what their direct influence on the culture of this society is. Culture, in its broadest sense, is what is ordinary (Williams, 1958). The definition of culture is, however, limited to the society in question. What is ordinary in one society may not be ordinary in another.  In the poem, strip teasing (what the speaker does to earn a living) is common in that society, even though looked down upon by many: “The world is full of women who’d tell me I should be ashamed of myself…”. This would then imply that strip clubs are part of the culture in this society. Strip clubs are a form of entertainment that rely on the existence of an audience (men). Therefore, the influence men have in the existence of strip clubs can be established. Hence, given the assumption that men have economic power in this society, it can be shown that their influence determines some of the culture of the society in the poem.

Since societies are made up of individuals, an analysis of relations between the individual and society may reveal more about the nature of the society. The speaker in the poem is presumably from a free and democratic society. However, how the individual and society interact may reveal more on the power relations in that society. A vital question to ask, then, would be: are the speaker’s choices and actions determined by the society she lives in or by her?  One may argue that the speaker’s actions reflect her freewill and drive to make more money, “I’ve a choice how of how and I’ll take the money”. She does this job despite the disapproval and judgments of some people in her society. On the other hand, the speaker can be said to be the victim of a male-dominated society which lives little or no choice in how women can earn a better living. This argument would imply that the choices made by individuals are bound to what the controllers of a society have deemed available and possible. This is despite the “freedom of choice” the speaker exercises in the text.

By focusing further on the individual and the motivation that leads to their choices, other characteristics and problems of the in the poem society can be revealed. The speaker of the poem seemingly defies the expectations women have of her and she aims to establish power over her male clients, “Such hatred leaps in them, my beery worshippers”. With this knowledge, one may declare that the speaker’s actions are in line with feminist criticism. Feminist criticism deals with the patriarchy that women have to live under. Feminist literature exposes the atrocities perpetrated by a male-dominant society and it seeks ways of reestablishing power relations between men and women.  This poem achieves this by depicting a woman who is not confined by the stereotypes attributed to women, but instead expresses her freedom of choice. The speaker also has a job that earns her more money than usual-giving her more economic power. Using her beauty as well, the speaker is able to exert control over men who normally have a dominant position in society. In other words, the poem can be viewed as empowering women through their sexuality.

Finally, by examining the psychoanalysis of the poem, a well-rounded understanding of the culture and society of “Helen of Troy Does Countertop Dancing” can be reached. The mythological references and archetypes found in the text allow for a Jungian analysis of the text. A part of Jungian literary criticism concerns itself with how myths and archetypes in literature reflect collective unconscious. According to Jung, the collective unconscious represents the layer of psyche in humans that has images of archetypes. These images can be found in myths and illustrate the innate inclinations that govern normal human behavior.

The use of the Helen of Troy myth in this poem can have various interpretations. The myth itself proclaims Helen to be the most beautiful women the world. Hence, the use of this myth could be alluding to the fixation of beauty as part of the collective unconscious. This fixation of physical beauty is found in the poem as the men who watch the speaker dance are only concerned with the gratification of seeing her body, “Seeing the rows of heads and upturned eyes, imploring but ready to snap at my ankles”. The original myth also states that Helen was the cause of the Trojan War, indicating the power and control she had over men. This archetype of how beauty brings power can be identified with the speaker who shows similar control over her audience, as her “beery worshippers” watch her dance, regardless if they are married or not.

“Helen of Troy Does Countertop Dancing” has various facets which when analyzed reveal the essence of the society and culture in the poem. The type of the society depicted in the text is resembles a modern one, which is driven by capitalism and still is largely male-dominated. The poem is also a rebellion against the stereotypes and limitations that women have been faced with. However, the allusion and archetypal figures that are portrayed with the myth of Helen of Troy indicate the central theme of the poem – physical beauty is a priority in our current society and culture, and physical beauty can give power and control to the one who possesses it.

B.Pascal Zwane

Works Cited

  • Abrams, M.H. A Glossary of Literary Terms. 7th ed. Fort Worth: Earl McPeek Publishers, 1999. Print.
  • Gurana, Jacopo. Paris and Helen of Troy. nd. Art Renewal Centre. Web. 24 April 2014.
  • Raymond Williams, Moving from High Culture to Ordinary Culture. Originally published in N. McKenzie (ed.), Convictions, 1958. Print.

Literature and Society / Edebiyat ve Toplum

The intimate relationship between literature and society can be recognized throughout history. Whether it is the reflection of society in literature or society's influence in literature; we can not mention one without the other.
This forum seeks to explore this relationship further by discussing and analyzing all forms of literature and the various aspects of society which correspond to it. Be it poetry and human nature or philosophy and politics, Literature and Society will delve into it. Your input in this forum is welcome and much appreciated.

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Bu forum, edebiyatın bütün oluşumlarını ve toplumun buna karşılık gelen çeşitli yönlerini tartışarak ve analiz ederek bu ilişkiyi daha da keşfetmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Şiir ve insan doğası ya da felsefe ve siyaset olsun, Edebiyat ve Toplum onu araştıracaktır. Bu forumda sizin de paylaşımlarınız kabul edilmekte ve hoş karşılanmaktadır. 

19 Nisan 2014 Cumartesi

Understanding Literature...

        Literature is one of the terms that doesn't have an exact definition. There have been various attempts to define "literature". Simon and Delyse Ryan begin their attempt to answer the question "What is Literature?" with the observation:
    ‘   ’The quest to discover a definition for "literature" is a road that is much travelled, though  the point of arrival, if ever reached, is seldom satisfactory. Most attempted definitions are broad and vague, and they inevitably change over time. In fact, the only thing that iscertain about defining literature is that the definition will change. Concepts of what is literature change over time as well’’.
Speaking for myself ; it's a recipe which contains spices that are used to make the dish called life, which is served on the eternal plate of time. Human is the main ingredient for sure. If you are a beginner literature student than it is advisable to create your own definition of literature first of all. what's ''literature'' for you ? 
Although definition of literature is relative, it is certain that it is the reflection of the time period in which it takes place. English Literature thus is considered as periods starting from Old English Period. Therefore, it plays a vital role to know the society, culture and historical events of the period to understand a literary work composed at that time..  One needs to know who are Anglo-Saxon(Scandinavian Germanic Tribes; Angles,Saxons and Jutes), what were their customs, values and religion or from where and how they came to the Island, in order to comprehend various elements that is seen in a literary work written in Old English Period. In order to explain their connection with literature some works of Old English Period can be inspected as a first step.

          ''Beowulf''  as an epic poem is the most outstanding work of Old English Period, which you need to have a background information of Paganism(Teutonic/Norse Mythology), Heroism, Christianity(Old Testament) and especially History to be able to visualize the picture depicted behind the lines. It turns into a magnificent journey to a society who lived thousand years ago, if one is able to interpret all these elements and bring the pieces of the puzzle together to see the whole picture created by poem. How they lived, how they thought, their struggles(against nature and also struggle of man himself ; inner and outside conflict of man), their interactions with each other, kinship, class distinction, gender(subordination of woman), their altering through time are just some of the points that becomes visible through out that picture.

            Initially, we have a society ruled by a King(Ring-Giver, Treasure-Giver called in text), divided into classes such as Ealdorman (Counselor of King)Thanes(Warriors), Ceorls(Freeman) and Slaves is vividly depicted in ''Beowulf''. Moreover, the primitive feudal system they run in which thanes battle for the glory of their king and nation, and in return king provides them weapons and armor beside delivering the treasure earned from battles in Meed Halls(built by King for his people to gather and feast). Importance of kinship is also another point that is contrasted in ‘’Beowulf’’. One is responsible to revenge his murdered kin or Lord either by killing the murderer or getting tribute called ‘’wergild’’.. [Coming Soon]  
         For a detailed exploration of ''Beowulf'' online lectures of Dr. Ted Sherman is advisable for those who are going to be studying ''Beowulf'' ;